The 7 Best Teas for Energy Boost


When it comes to energizing yourself and getting alert, many people reach for coffee. However, coffee comes with a mid-afternoon slump and hence you might find yourself needing more cups of coffee to sustain that energy. The good thing is that coffee is not the only beverage that can perk you up and instead, you can reach for the numerous types of tea to boost your energy levels.

Tea is excellent for an energy increase, whether you want to boost your energy levels in the morning or you want an evening cup to help you continue working into the night. It makes a great start to the day and is also a great option for evenings when you need an energy boost but don\’t want to keep up all night or lose sleep when you are finally ready to snuggle into the sheets.

So why is tea great for an energy boost? First off, tea comes in a variety of types. Some of these types contain a moderate amount of caffeine. This gives you the energy boost you need to overcome the sluggishness of the morning or evening. Tea is even better because it is healthier than other caffeinated drinks such as coffee and provides a more sustained energy boost.

One thing about coffee and energy drinks is that you need more of them to avoid the high and crash effect that they cause. Tea, on the other hand, is different because it contains l-theanine, which has a calming, relaxing effect that helps stimulate sustained focus. Even herbal teas that don\’t have caffeine but contain the l-theanine compound and ingredients such as ginger will also give you an energizing effect. Therefore, you no longer need to consume large amounts of caffeinated drinks to be energized. Instead, you can reach for your tea and enjoy an energy boost without the numerous negative effects of too much caffeine.

Types of Tea

So, what kinds of tea do you need to drink to get that energy boost? Since there are so many types of teas, you may switch them out as you like, which helps you experience the different flavors and effects rather than boringly sticking to only one kind of tea. However, some teas have a higher energizing impact than others and these are the ones we are going to highlight. Here are the best teas for energy (Drum roll):

Green Tea

When discussing the vast benefits of green tea, it is very natural to appreciate this powerhouse. It contains numerous nutrients that are great for lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system. In addition, it is chockful of antioxidants that help fight free radicals, not to mention because it packs fewer calories, it helps with weight loss. Truly a gem of a tea. When it comes to boosting energy, green tea is definitely a great choice. It has a moderate amount of caffeine and contains L-theanine, which is the amino acid compound that is used by the body as a source of caffeine. As a result, green tea will not make your energy levels crash resulting in that afternoon slump effect so characteristic of coffee. Instead, the tea will give you sustained energy levels throughout the day, which is more calming and hence more effective.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is another powerhouse of a tea that has many benefits. Herbal teas, especially peppermint tea, ginger tea and hibiscus, among others, are great natural remedies and also great tasting teas. Therefore, it is no wonder that they are great at boosting your energy levels. Peppermint tea, for instance, has been used for a long time as a natural remedy for the common cold and upset stomachs. Its tingling flavor and refreshing aroma are great at perking you up and though it lacks caffeine, it still helps wake you up and give you that extra energy boost. In fact, studies have shown that peppermint tea improves overall mood and cognition skills, in addition to helping boost memory.

Ginger tea is another herbal tea that also works hard in boosting your energy levels. It is spicy and hot and has long been known to provide great anti-inflammatory effects and in improving blood flow. Well, this increase in blood flow helps in boosting energy and performance levels. In fact, in traditional Chinese medicine, ginger tea was used to directly target the body\’s energy paths which are directly related to its chemical energy levels.

Finally, yet another herbal tea that does your energy levels justice is hibiscus tea. This tea has mostly been associated with lowering blood pressure and with its anti-inflammatory effects. Not only is it flavorful, but it also boosts metabolism and acts as an anti-depressant due to its flavonoids, therefore, helping you feel more relaxed and energetic.

Black Tea

The list of tea types would be woefully incomplete if we ignored this tea. The most common tea, black tea, is the most caffeinated kind of tea and also antioxidants. It also has a rich flavor and aroma. Due to its longer fermentation time when being processed, the tea has the most caffeine, which is approximately equivalent to half the caffeine present in the same amount of coffee. Therefore, while you may get a more potent energy boost than other teas provide, you will, however, be able to avoid the jitters that coffee can sometimes produce. Black coffee also has L-theanine, which aids your body in processing the caffeine better.

Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is sort of like green tea. It is a Japanese green tea prepared by grinding the tea leaves into a fine powder and mixing it with tea. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants – more than other types of green teas. It also has a small amount of caffeine and L-theanine, which are great at providing a sustained energy boost. Matcha contains a more concentrated amount of green tea\’s energizing properties; hence it is more stimulating and will help you keep focus and clarity.

Mushroom Tea

Mushroom tea has been a well-known and tried energy booster. Scientific studies show that the Chaga mushroom used for mushroom tea gives animals longer physical endurance and less fatigue. It helps boost your mood and energy, especially if you are feeling fatigued. In the older days, this tea was used to soothe away the fatigue and aches after travel and boost energy before battle, so you definitely will be increasing your energy levels significantly with this one!

Chai Tea

Chai tea is extremely popular in Indian and East African countries and consists of a blend of black tea, spices such as tea masala and milk. It has a moderate amount of caffeine content and this, in combination with the spices, boosts energy production within the body, making you more alert and awake throughout your day.

Drinking tea for a natural energy Boost

There is no shortage of options when you decide to switch to tea for your daily energy boost. The tea you choose can be determined by the amount of caffeine, lack of caffeine, aroma and compatible flavor. Besides providing energy-boosting benefits, tea also has other health benefits such as reducing stress, increasing focus, treating minor ailments such as symptoms of a cold, soothing inflammation, aiding in digestion, hydrating the hair and skin and fighting free radicals through its numerous antioxidants, vitamins, and other compounds. With so many benefits, it is no wonder that tea is the healthier choice when looking for an energy boosts.

Tea vs. coffee for energy

When it comes to choosing a beverage to boost your energy levels, some people swear by coffee, while others prefer coffee. But how do the two compare in terms of their energy-boosting effect? Coffee has a huge amount of caffeine compared to black tea, which is the most caffeinated tea. Coffee contains double the caffeine in a similar amount of black tea and this caffeine is responsible for elevating your energy levels. While the caffeine increased alertness very quickly because your body absorbs most of the caffeine in less than an hour, coffee is great when you need an immediate energy boost.

On the other hand, though tea has a lower amount of caffeine. It is, however, rich in the antioxidant l-theanine, which is a powerful brain stimulant. L-theanine also has some anti-depressant properties and hence, promotes feelings of calmness and relaxation. Tea, therefore, combines l-theanine with caffeine to give you an alert but relaxed mental state. In a nutshell, tea gives you a more sustained and smoother energy boost, while coffee gives you an instant energy boost that does not last as long.

Tea for energy without caffeine

If you have been wondering how to cut down on caffeine while maintaining your morning energy boost, then you will be pleased to know that there are teas without caffeine that still give you that energy boost that you need. Herbal teas are great because they have energy-boosting properties but have no caffeine making them a great alternative morning energy drink once you decide to cut down on caffeine. There are many types of herbal teas that you can try, such as the following:

  • Rooibos tea. Grown only in South Africa, this tea will help you decrease fatigue and has benefits similar to those of green tea. However, it is caffeine-free and has a naturally sweet flavor; hence, it will not require a lot of sweetener, making it a healthier choice for anyone wishing to stop taking caffeine and sugar.
  • Peppermint tea is a great choice when you want instant refreshment and wish to increase your alertness without the caffeine.
  • Sage tea is great for boosting energy because it has cognitive-enhancement properties that will enhance your focus and increase your alertness.
  • Ginger tea has a spicy flavor and is a caffeine-free option to boost your memory, focus and energy while also helping in decreasing your levels of fatigue.

All herbal teas, including rosemary tea, lemongrass tea, cinnamon tea and lemon balm tea, among others, are great energy-boosting teas that contain no caffeine, unlike \”real\” teas, coffee and energy drinks.

Best tea for energy in the morning

If you want to switch to tea for your energy boost each morning, then choosing teas that have less caffeine and are more flavorful according to your tastes is important. For example, matcha tea, green tea, herbal teas such as ginger, hibiscus, rooibos, peppermint and sage tea, among others, are a good choice. However, if you feel you need a better dose of caffeine, then you can go for mushroom tea, white tea, chai tea and black tea. Regardless of the tea you choose, you can be assured of a smooth and soothing energy boost that will be more sustained over the course of your day.

Best tea for weight loss

Aside from boosting energy levels, tea has numerous other benefits, such as boosting metabolism and enhancing weight loss. The types of tea most effective in improving weight loss include green tea, black tea, Puerh tea, oolong tea and herbal tea.

If you replace high-calorie drinks such as soda and processed juices with tea, you can not only reduce your calorie intake but also gain the benefits of increased metabolism and enhanced weight loss that come with tea.

Tea infused energy snack

While most people take tea as a drink, you can go a step further and enjoy it as a snack. Tea-infused energy stacks are delicious snacks infused with tea used to boost energy and sharpen focus. These are bite-sized snacks that can be a great source of energy in the morning, throughout the day, after a long day or a workout session. They can consist of nuts and fruits and source their natural caffeine from green or black tea, among other real teas. Tea-infused snacks are great when you are not in the mood for a drink and would rather munch on a natural energy-boosting snack instead.

In a nutshell, the moral of this is; switch to tea, people!

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