How to reuse tea bags

Why would anyone want to reuse teabags?

For sustainability

For anyone looking to save cash, reusing tea bags is one great way to prevent yourself from spending unnecessarily. Whether you are reusing the tea leaves for compost, enhanced flavor, or your DIY projects, reusing tea bags is a sustainable and cost-efficient practice.

It’s a great way to save money

Why settle for just one cup when you have two or more? If you are a habitual tea drinker, reusing your tea bags or loose leaves is a great cost-cutting measure.

For enhanced flavor

In countries that are regular tea drinkers, such as China or Ethiopia, it is common to reuse tea bags and leaves. That’s because there is a general opinion in tea-producing countries that the first cup of tea is usually bitter, which can be a bit overwhelming if you appreciate something a little smoother.

For some tea, the flavor changes and develops the longer you steep them. Such teas usually taste better on the third or fourth try. Why is that? Teas with curled leaves especially take their time to uncurl, diffuse and release that wonderful flavor. Blended loose-leaf teas may also take longer before they fully release their flavor. By reusing your tea leaves, you will have a better experience when it comes to both taste and flavor.

Should you reuse your tea leaves and tea bags between steeps?

The short answer is: Absolutely! Tea, particularly loose lead tea, can be reused several times because tea leaves do not release all their flavor during the first round of steeping. Loose tea leaves can be reused several times as they are made from whole leaves and young buds.

This helps them to retain their flavor a lot better than tea bags would. The flavor in tea bags is much quicker to extract as tea bags usually contain crashed small leaves.

Some experts agree that the best flavor is usually acquired from tea leaves after the first steep. However, some tea varieties such as Tie Guan Yin are typically rolled tightly, which means that it needs at least another steep to start fully releasing its flavor. So if you want to get the best from such teas, it is advised that you steep the leaves again to enjoy the benefits of the second brew.

Some teas should not be steeped more than once, though. That’s because some teas like Da Hong Pao release unpleasant smoky notes depending on how they were harvested and processed. If you do not like your tea too strong, you should steep your tea once or twice before enjoying it. The roast flavors that lend the tea this bitterness is flushed away during the first few preparations so that what you are left with is softer and smoother taste.

Tips for reusing your tea bags

If you’ve ever tried to reuse your tea bags, then you probably ended up with a watery and flavorless mess. This is because teabags, especially the kind that you can easily get at the grocery stores, are mostly designed for single use. The granulated leaves within these kinds of tea bags are designed to diffuse quickly, which means that there isn’t much left after the first brew to make a good second or third cup of tea.

If you are interested in making reusing tea a habit, then it is best to go for loose leaf as it lasts longer than typical teabags. That being said, there are a couple of ways that you can reuse your tea bags after the first brew that include:

Use it as compost

If you have a garden, do not throw away your teabags. Instead, add your used tea bags to your compost or use them on your worm farm. You can easily bury your used tea bags in your garden to decompose. Any leftover nutrients in the bag will be absorbed by the soil and make your plants healthier.

How does one reuse tea bags or leaves?

Resteep for a hot cuppa

You can use your tea leaves again and again for a second, third, or fourth cup of tea. Whenever you need to re-steep your already used tea bag or leaves, make sure that you adjust the length of time that the tea stays in the water with each cycle.

Treat sunburns

Use your teabags to treat any sunburns and get rid of excess inflammation caused by sun damage. Teabags also work in a similar manner for minor rushes and small bug bites. Simply apply the bag to the affected area and it will help to make the skin less itchy.

Reuse tea bags for iced tea

Loose leaves and some tea bags can also be reused to make iced tea. Allow your teabag to dry out before you dip it in a cold jug.

Use your tea bags for your carpets

After you’ve finished using your tea bags:

  • Allow them to dry out before dumping out the leaves.
  • Mix the leaves into a handful of baking soda and then sprinkle this mixture over a dirty carpet.
  • Allow the mixture to sit for about 20 minutes before vacuuming the carpet. The mixture will trap dust and absorb odors allowing your carpet to look and smell much nicer.

You can also stick used tea bags in your shoes, bags, drawers, and fridge to get rid of nasty odors.

Teabags help to hydrate your skin

Re-steep your tea bags in hot water and allow them to cool. However, instead of drinking it, put it into a spray bottle and spritz it on your skin. Any type of tea that you have will work for this; the antioxidants in green tea are especially effective for rehydrating and moisturizing dry and damaged skin. Apart from helping your skin, tea bags are also often used to repair damaged hair.

Get rid of dark eye circles

You can also use your old tea bags to get rid of any dark circles or puffiness around your eyes. Simply place your old tea bags in the fridge to allow them to cool down before placing them over your eyes for 30 minutes.

The caffeine in the tea leaves will help to shrink the blood vessels around your eyes so that you can look more refreshed and awake. You can also use old tea bags in your bubble bath. The antioxidants in the skin will leave your skin feeling soft. It has also been proven that the scent of tea can help you relax in a similar way as jasmine or chamomile would.

Use your tea bags for cleaning

Used tea bags work really well for getting rid of greasy messes. The tannins in the tea help to break apart grease so that it is easier to clean. Used tea bags are also great for polishing wooden surfaces to reveal shiny floors and furniture.

What is the best time to reuse teabags?

If you are going to reuse your tea bags, make sure that you reuse them after the first round. If you do not use them straight after the first use, make sure that the teabag is properly dried and stored for use again. The last thing you want is for mold to start growing on the bags before you reuse them again. If you notice some mold on your bags, throw them out immediately and hope for better luck next time.

How many times can you reuse loose leaf tea?

The is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, how many times you reuse your teal leaves will vary with the type of tea that you are working with and the quality. It will also depend on the ratio of water to the leaf that you use. For instance, if you are steeping your loose leaf in a large mug, you may steep it 2 to 4 times.

If you are brewing in a smaller vessel such as a gaiwan or small Yixing teapot, the leaf to water ratio may be higher compared to a mug. In really small vessels, the tea can be reused as many as ten times.

Loose-leaf teas with high oxidation, such as dark oolong, ripe Pu-erh tea, as well as dark oolong, can be reused severally. However, others with lower oxidation levels, such as green tea, young white teas, and light oolong, can only be reused 2 to 3 times.

Also, if you are looking to reuse your loose leaves more than once, make sure that you use lower-temperature water when steeping. This will result in lower extraction, which means that you can reuse your tea a couple of more times before having to replace it.

How to safely reuse your tea bags

Reusing tea bags is one of the best things that you can do. However, there are basic practices to keep in mind to ensure that you are doing it safely. These include:

Watch the mold

The warm and moist condition of reused tea bags and leaves is the ultimate breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria. If you plan on leaving your tea leaves on a strainer, make sure that you reuse them within 3 to 4 hours. Any longer than this and mold could start to grow on your leaves.

Store your tea bags properly

If you don’t intend to reuse your tea bags and leaves within the recommended 3 to 4-hour period, you will need to store them properly to prevent mold from growing on them. Make sure that you’ve squeezed out all the excess moisture from your tea leaves. You can do this easily with tissue paper that will blot the excess moisture out.

You can then allow your leaves to dry in a cool and well-ventilated container. Once you are sure that there is absolutely no moisture on your leaves, you can proceed to dry and store them in an airtight container. Keep the container in a cool and dark area to preserve the quality of the leaves until you are ready to reuse them.

Try not to wait for too long before reusing your leaves

If you are planning on reusing your tea bags or leaves, try not to wait too long between each cycle. You ideally want to reuse them within a day or two. Any longer than this is not recommended. There are no hard and fast rules as to how often you should reuse your teabags. However, as a general rule of thumb, if the tea starts to taste unpleasant, it might be a good idea to move on to the next batch.

How many times can you reuse different types of loose leaf tea?

Here is a quick overview of different kinds of loose leaf teas and how you can reuse each one:

Oolong tea leaves

Oolong tea is one of the best loose leaf teas to reuse as it can be reused as many as 14 times and the flavor will be different with every steep. Oolong tea usually depicts its best flavors during the 3rd or 4rth steep.

White tea leaves

White tea leaves aren’t put through extreme processing periods. However, you can only reuse your white tea leaves once or twice before they start to lose flavor. If you are dealing with lower-quality tea leaves, you may only use them once.

Green tea leaves

Green tea can be used once or twice. Japanese green tea is usually stronger than most types of tea and usually tastes better on the second steep.

Herbal tea leaves

Herbal tea leaves can be reused 2 or 3 times before you need to get rid of them. However, please note that after the first brew, the flavors and health benefits of most herbal teas tend to disappear.


Pu-erh is one of those varieties of teas that get better with age because it is a fermented tea. As such, Pu-erh can be re-steeped as many as ten times. As you keep steeping the Pu-erh, the flavor of the tea intensifies and gets better.

Rooibos Tea Leaves

Rooibos Tea Leaves can be reused 2 to 3 times. However, the rich red color of Rooibos Tea Leaves will not be consistent with every brew.

Black tea

Black tea is strong, but it does not produce more than two flavorful brews. That’s because black tea is processed and oxidized before being packages.

Mint loose leaf tea

Mint loose teas can be reused 2 to 3 times before losing their flavor. However, please note that if you steep your tea leaves for too long, the aftertaste and the aroma will turn dull and bitter.

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